15391 Eagle Crest

Postcard views of the mountains and Utah County in this beautiful 3981 sq. foot, 4 bedroom, 3 bath home located in scenic Suncrest in Draper, Utah.

Sold and Marketed by Reed Sherman of Rocket Reed Realty. Your Real Estate professional for South Mountain, Suncrest, Draper, Highland, Alpine and Traverse Mountain.


The Sky, the Stars and Views to Eternity....

Sold in 9 days and $15,000 over List price in cash! #RocketResults 

Sensational views in this SunCrest Home located in the EagleCrest Neighborhood.

The Sky, the Stars and Views to Eternity.... imagine relaxing on your deck at sunset watching the clouds dance around Lone Peak. Imagine watching a full rainbow appear out your back windows after a refreshing spring rain. Imagine laying on your bed watching the moon rise above Mt. Timpanogos. This dream home could become reality...it's REAL...and it's available now. We invite you to come see this rare home that just hit the market in Suncrest that has jaw dropping views, quick access to dozens of hiking and biking trails and of course a place to call home in an incredible mountain setting. With an open concept floor plan with a great fireplace to cozy up to and an amazing kitchen to enjoy it is sure to please. You'll love the deck that is just off the kitchen and master bedroom where you'll spent countless hours talking and enjoying nature's visual parade. This home is a well maintained and a must see to appreciate. Massive oversized windows cast sunlight throughout this upscale home that boasts 5 spacious bedrooms, 2.5 baths, fireplace, and a two car tandem garage plus a gourmet kitchen with custom cabinets and granite countertops with stainless appliances. Slate, hardwoods floors and carpets are throughout the home. You'll be sure to enjoy the spacious main floor master suite with a walk-in closet. Extra height 9 ft. ceilings in unfinished walkout basement has tons of potential to make it your own along with the outside paver patio with a fully fenced backyard will make it ideal for younger children and pets. If you are looking for mountain bliss and a front row seat to the Sky, Stars and the Moon...your Dream has come true.

Sold and marketed by Reed Sherman of Rocket Realty. Your Real Estate professional for South Mountain, SunCrest, Draper, Highland, Alpine and Traverse Mountain.