Sold - Suncrest
Sold Listings in Suncrest
Here is a sampling of Listing that I have Sold in Suncrest. I love Suncrest! I love the connection it has to the mountains and sky. It’s one of my favorite places to List homes. I always try to bring a connection to nature with my photography and marketing. I’m very cognizant of when I have my photographer shoot my clients homes. I assist with staging and try to make your home look stunning. The combination of staging and having an award-winning photographer and shoot at the right time of day gives my clients #RocketResults as you can see below.
15391 Eagle Chase Drive — The Sky, the Stars and Views to Eternity .... what more can you say about this property. Under Contract in four days and Sold in nine days with multiple offers. Over 30 people at Open House in the middle of a snow storm. Sold $13k over List Price in CASH. RocketResults! Click picture for more details & photos.